Official eTTN provider in Ukraine

Exchange electronic consignment notes (eTTNs), simplify goods accounting, and speed up cargo transportation payments

6 reasons to choose Vchasno.TTN


An adaptive mobile version of the Vchasno.TTN account for drivers and all transportation participants! You can now work with eTTN from anywhere, at any point in time, whenever it's convenient for you

Full cycle of work with eTTN

Create, edit and sign electronic TTNs. Automatically register eTTN in the central database and exchange it with all transportation participants: consignor, carrier, driver, consignee, customer, forwarder

Business process automation

More than 20 types of integrations through APIs and out-of-the-box solutions for your accounting systems


Quickly and securely sign eTTNs with Vchasno.KEP, Diia.Signature and other qualified electronic signatures


Add accompanying documentation to eTTN, upload PDF versions of created eTTNs, import cargo information from spreadsheets

All documents in one place

Easily create any type of adjustment note to the eTTN, sign it instantly and register it in the central database

What tariff is better to choose?


For free

only when using the web cabinet

Unlimited transactions


UAH 3.6

per document

20+ types of API integration

Individual terms and conditions for Vchasno.EDI clients

eTTN in the list of required documents for exchange between the retail network and the supplier

Shared workspace from Vchasno

Sign an electronic consignment note in the Vchasno.TTN service using Vchasno.KEP in just a few clicks

Logistics chain with Vchasno.TTN

Automate the delivery of goods with electronic consignment notes

We are trusted

Companies that have successfully tested the Vchasno.TTN service

Vchasno.TTN is leading the way in implementing government initiatives to introduce eTTN in Ukraine. We have successfully introduced preliminary standards for our product in accordance with all government requirements. Read more about Vchasno.TTN’s contribution to the eTTN project in Ukraine in our article

Electronic consignment note will become mandatory

The government has announced the launch of a pilot project to introduce electronic consignment notes for business in 2023. The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine is leading the project, with technical support provided by the Ministry of Digital Transformation

The project provides for:

  • Gradual transition to eTTN while phasing out paper forms
  • Implementation of e-CMR between the Eastern Partnership countries
  • Transition to an electronic form when creating special eTTN forms

Still have questions? Ask us!


What is an electronic TTN?

An electronic consignment note is a document that entitles all participants in cargo transportation to carry out domestic cargo transportation. The Draft Law of Ukraine No. 6534 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On Road Transport’ regarding the introduction of a consignment note in electronic form” states that it is

  • is intended for accounting of inventory on the way of its transportation, payments for cargo transportation, and accounting of work performed,
  • can be used for writing off inventory, posting, and for inventory accounting, administrative accounting, and bookkeeping,
  • contains mandatory details provided for by this Law

What is the project implementation plan for electronic TTNs in the law? Which ODE providers are involved?

In 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers plans to adopt a resolution “On the Implementation of a Pilot Project in the Field of Domestic Freight Transportation”. This is a new step in eTTN implementation in Ukraine

The state will resume accreditation of providers as soon as the resolution is adopted. So far, 24 companies have joined the eTTN project, including Vchasno service. The number of providers will undoubtedly increase once accreditation resumes. A full list of accredited providers is available on the official website

The government is also finalizing the central database of the eTTN system, which will be able to operate in a war situation. Once the Cabinet of Ministers’ resolution comes into effect, the government will begin pilot testing of the system. New providers whose services meet the technical requirements of the system will be able to join it


Is the use of eTTN mandatory for all companies?

The use of eTTNs is not mandatory during the test period, and companies will be able to continue using paper TTNs. We encourage you to make the most of the test period by practicing working with eTTN both internally and with partners.

Once the obligation is introduced, all companies will be required to utilize only electronic consignment notes

What statutory instruments regulate eTTN?

Law of Ukraine “On Road Transport”

Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No. 363 “On Approval of the Rules for the Transportation of Goods by Road in Ukraine”

Law of Ukraine “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Document Workflow”

Law of Ukraine “On Electronic Trust Services”

The draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Road Transport” regarding the introduction of a consignment note in electronic form is awaiting voting

For the full list, please follow the link 

How will all participants in the process, including drivers, sign the eTTN?

The signing process is conducted in the following sequence: consignor → driver/carrier → consignee. These individuals are the mandatory participants in the eTTN who are required to sign the document.

Company representatives must sign the eTTN with the QES of the responsible entity. The driver may sign the electronic consignment note with the signature of an individual

How to technically implement the signing of the consignment note by a carrier? Does the carrier need to have the same electronic document workflow system as the customer and consignee, in addition to the EDS?

Any of the eTTN participants will be able to use the same eTTN provider, on the condition that it’s fully connected to the Centralized Database system. No matter which provider other participants use, the carrier/driver will be able to process the eTTN with their chosen provider because the system has an interoperability mechanism (an exchange between providers)

What are the consequences of not issuing a consignment note, and when isn't one necessary when transferring goods?

In the absence of an eTTN, the consequences will be the same as they are now in the absence of a paper one. Nothing will change.

The eTTN will not be required to be issued when delivering goods to end consumers and under certain conditions of internal transportation (transportation within the same production facility, etc.)

Is there a clear set of instructions on how to fill out the consignment note (all fields)? Different organizations have different interpretations of filling in the weight-size dimensions. And what other sources should data be taken from, besides the technical passport and driver's license?

Regarding questions about weight-size dimensions, please note that the eTTN does not provide these fields. They will be removed. For further details, please refer to the relevant amendments in Draft Law No. 6434

Is there a fee for accessing the centralized eTTN database?

During the testing period, the state will not charge for access to the system. Once mandatory eTTN use is introduced, the exchange will be charged.

The state is currently finalizing the details of the tariff

What form will the service be implemented in: a website/application or something else?

Vchasno has created a web cabinet and a mobile version of the service. This allows cargo transportation participants (consignors, carriers, and consignees) to work with electronic TTNs from a computer, laptop, tablet, or phone. Over 20 API integrations and ready-made solutions for BAF/BAS/1C accounting systems are available.

A separate mobile application will be developed for drivers and storekeepers. It will have a simple, straightforward functionality and interface

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Our managers are always ready to help with service operation, registration, technical configurations. Please, feel free to contact us!