Electronic HR document workflow

HR accounting and convenient document exchange between employers and employees. Vchasno.ODE provides everything you need. Create electronic HR documents instead of paper ones in compliance with Ukrainian legislation.

HR documents that can be converted into an e-format

  • Statements

  • Orders

  • Advance reports

  • Employment confirmation letters

  • Employee time sheets

  • Non-disclosure statements, consents to personal data processing, etc.

  • Personal cards

  • Employment contracts

  • Payroll records


How to easily sign HR documents online?

  • For this purpose, you can use electronic signatures (QES). Company executives usually sign documents with a QES of a legal entity, and employees sign documents with a QES of an individual or a legal entity (company employee).

  • This can be Vchasno.KEP or another key obtained from any AKCC of Ukraine.

  • A QES has the same legal force as a handwritten signature (clause 4 of Article 18 of the Law of Ukraine No. 2155-VII as of October 5, 2017).

Get rid of the hassle and routine of working with HR documents

Paper-based HR document workflow

a reason why the processing of documents is slowed down or impossible

  • Time spent on paperwork and processing of paper documents

  • Financial costs spent on paperwork

  • Time spent by HR staff and managers

  • Loss of documents, costs for their restoration and potential financial losses

  • Archiving and storage of paper copies of documents

  • Organizing documents

Electronic HR document workflow

an optimized process of working with personnel

  • Quick approvals and signing of necessary documents using flows and labels

  • 0 UAH for document printing, printer refills, and delivery costs when employees are in different cities or abroad

  • Cost and time savings for employees, HR and executives

  • Documents are protected and easy to find in a couple of clicks

  • Quick and easy access from any device and from anywhere in the world

  • No need to store piles of papers, no need for a separate archive room

Automate every stage of the HR document workflow

Let’s have a look at the way it works with documents that are created and signed by employees, such as applications, orders, etc.

  • Employee creates an application in CRM, signs it in Vchasno.ODE and sends it to the HR department
  • HR specialist processes the application, creates an order, and sends it to the manager for signature
  • The manager reviews and signs the order
  • The employee receives the order and applies his/her final signature

Schedule a quick product demo

Let us show you how the HR e-document workflow will benefit your company and simplify the work of many people

Features of the HR ODE service

E-documents protection

Documents are stored in encrypted form on Amazon S3 servers, and you can customize access to them for certain departments and employees

Signing with an employee's QES

In addition to being convenient and fast, it also minimizes the likelihood of key compromise, and company keys can be administered

Working in a single account and the Archive

All work with HR records is performed in the Vchasno account with a familiar interface. Documents are stored in a single account, they can be easily searched and quickly viewed if necessary

Integration with your accounting system

You can work in a convenient and familiar accounting system. Vchasno has more than 3500 integrations of any level of complexity

Benefits for each team player




Take care of people, not papers!

Quickly and easily negotiate the necessary documents with your colleagues to spend time on team development and growth.

Don't waste time signing every order

Apply electronic signatures to the right document or several documents at once — using a ready-made flow, it's even easier and faster.

Write a vacation request letter and get it approved in a few minutes

There's no need to go to the office to sign orders anymore. And also to fill out safety logs on a quarterly basis…

How to implement HR ODE
in your company?


Appoint a responsible person for the project


Test the integration with the accounting system in order to work with HR documents


Involve the HR department into the work and automation of the process


Test processes involving employees and get feedback


Finalize and launch the project

We organize your work with internal documents and develop automation flows to reduce the time spent by all employees on routine processes


Why should I use Vchasno.ODE to manage my HR documents?

Vchasno.ODE provides automatic HR accounting at the company and significantly speeds up the exchange of documents between the employer and employees. The work of the HR department and all those involved in HR records management is performed in a single service.

Who is Vchasno.ODE suitable for?

The Vchasno.ODE service is suitable for all those involved in the process of HR document workflow in the company — managers, HR team, and employees of all levels. All the work is performed in a single service with a convenient and familiar interface.

What HR documents can be transferred to the Vchasno ODE?

The following HR documents can be easily transferred to the electronic format:

  • Statements
  • Orders
  • Advance reports
  • Employment confirmation letters
  • Employee time sheets
  • Non-disclosure statements, consets to personal data processing, etc.)
  • Personal cards
  • Employment contracts
  • Payroll records, etc.

Is it possible for me to use Vchasno's electronic HR document workflow?

Certainly, it is. Choose the tariff you need, upload your internal HR documents to Vchasno and connect your employees to the service.

Do I need to buy any extra features or a special tariff to work with HR documents?

No, you don’t. All the work with personnel records is performed in a single account of Vchasno.ODE with a familiar interface. The processing and signing of internal HR documents is the same as working with the company’s primary documentation in our service.

How to work with HR documents in the ODE?

Working with administrative documents

How can I prepare staffing tables, main activity orders (insurance, gifts, etc.), and employment confirmation letters in ODE?

  • Once you have prepared the necessary document in Word or Excel, you save it in PDF format and upload it to the service via the web version. The flow automatically appoints the director and, if necessary, the chief accountant as signatories.

Employee time sheet, orders for bonus payments

  • If you have integrated with Vchasno, after a document is generated in your accounting system via the API, it is transferred to the service in PDF format, and signatories are assigned automatically.


How to fill out an application for employment in ODE?

  • The new employee sends a scanned, signed application via email (or signs a paper version in the office). HR generates the application on behalf of the employee and sends it to him or her for signature in the Vchasno service.
    The employee receives an email notification of the documents sent, and from this email he/she can proceed to a quick and easy registration in the Vchasno account of the individual.

How can a new employee sign an appointment order online?

  • When hiring an employee, you have not yet provided him/her with access to the Vchasno corporate account and an electronic signature. Therefore, the new employee can sign documents with any individual key. Signatories can be assigned manually or automatically from your accounting system (you need to configure the document transfer via API specifying the employee’s personal email).
  • The process is similar for the following documents: NDA, Employer-Employee NDA, Data Processing Agreement, Image Use Consent, Personal Card, Employment Contract, Acquaintance with the Internal Code of Conduct, Employment Position Instruction, and Consent to the Use of Alternative Methods of Electronic Communication.

Employment termination

How can I submit a resignation letter in electronic form?

  • An employee sends a scanned, signed application via email or signs a paper version in the office. Or, he/she can upload the application directly to Vchasno and indicate the Director and himself/herself as signatories (the employee is the first to sign the document).

How can I create an employment termination order and a personal card in the ODE?

  • You upload the document to Vchasno from your accounting system via the API and automatically assign a director and an employee as signatories.
    The accounting department prepares a pay stub, and HR uploads the document to the service, assigning the employee as a signatory.

Changes in essential employment terms and conditions (reassignment, changes in salary, work schedule, etc.)

Statement, Order, Additional agreement, Personal card

  • All of these documents are transferred to the ODE service via the API after they are created in your accounting system. Then the corresponding order of signatories is automatically created in Vchasno. A flow is created and assigned to the Employment Position Instruction (if necessary) when the document is uploaded to the service.


How can I file a vacation leave online?

  • The employee starts the process in CRM, where the application is generated automatically. After receiving the application, HR uploads it to the ODE service and appoints the corresponding signatories. The order on vacation leave is transferred automatically via API from your accounting system.

Introduction to organizational changes (regulations, remote work, etc.)

Order on organizational changes

  • It should be sent to employees for review, but not for signature — the administration signs the document and gives employees access to the document in the Vchasno service. This process can be automated using a flow. And as for the Review Form, you should create it and send it to each employee separately for signature.


  • The employee signs the Insurance Application in Vchasno.ODE and sends it to HR.

Order a quick product demo

  • You’ll find out how the HR electronic document workflow will be implemented in your company and will simplify the work of your employees