Results of ODE implementation
What has changed in the processes?
We converted all HR documents to an electronic format. EVO has more than 1,300 employees. The majority of them work remotely from different cities of Ukraine and the world. This is a constant flow of different documents: hiring/firing, vacations, business trips, transfers, etc. For example, the process of putting an employee officially on the staff now takes an hour instead of a whole working day. Also, there are no photocopies or handwritten applications.

Three-months automation
The time required to implement e-document workflow directly depends on the size of the company. In EVO this process took three months. We divided it into stages:
1preparatory stage
2audit of documents
6informing and educating employees
About the outcomes
The speed of signing documents has increased fivefold, and the administration of processes has been greatly simplified.
For instance, when an employee is moved to a new position. The process of changing positions is now quickly displayed in the system, and the program automatically fills in all the necessary documents. And the employee does not need to spend extra time knocking on various office doors or traveling to the office. The colleague receives a notification with a link to sign documents via Viber or Telegram. He/she applies his/her electronic signature to automatically completed documents in just 5 minutes. You can sign documents in any convenient way: via Vchasno.KEP, Diia, Privat, etc.
The HR department receives information about the signing of documents through the internal messenger. A report was created for convenience to track document signatures. This helped in saving several working hours of HR employees, which used to be spent on controlling and receiving original documents.
We removed stress, bureaucracy, and unnecessary information from employees — but we added joy to the work with documents
ODE for HR today is a must
Your use of electronic documents will also speak volumes about you as a modern and progressive company. We all know that the hiring procedure is the first thing that makes a first impression on a new employee.
It’s a torture when dealing with paper documents: you have to make printed photos and whole piles of photocopies of documents: your own, your wife’s, your children’s. Then you spend hours filling out a series of forms and applications in two copies by hand — in today’s world, it already sounds quite strange. At EVO, we got rid of these horrors.

Details about the automated hiring procedure
1Recruiters find candidates and send them applications to fill out.
2The HR department prepares an order based on the information they receive about the candidate.
3The HR department prepares an order based on the information they receive about the candidate.
4The employee signs the documents with a qualified electronic signature.
5The HR person submits the necessary information to the tax office.
6We provide instructions and support to employees.
Request a demo of the Vchasno service
During the online meeting, you will learn how e-document workflow can simplify and speed up the exchange of documents in your company.