Our Clients' Experience
1 000 000 companies use Vchasno every day to work with documents in a convenient and easy way. Read the stories of our clients and find out how e-document workflow changed their business for the better.

Сфера діяльності
Посада в компанії
Розмір компанії

How carriers can easily work with eTTN: Kuehne+Nagel’s experience

Charity Foundation
How electronic document workflow optimizes processes and facilitates reintegration of veterans: Veteran Hub case study

Computer programming
Working without an office and signing more than 3000 documents a year: Lyft Ukraine case study

Using the ecosystem of digital services in retail: the case study of Rozetka
98% of suppliers
are successfully converted to EDI
of our partners work with ODE
>2 million
receipts on average are issued per month

80% of the HR document workflow converted to electronic format. Best practices of the YURiA-PHARM pharmaceutical group of companies
Wholesale and distribution
How to automate and improve business efficiency with EDI technologies: Imperia Holding case study

Charity Foundation
How does digitalization facilitate care for children during the war? The case of the International charitable organization ‘Charitable Foundation ‘SOS Children’s Villages’ Ukraine

The way VUSO Insurance Company saved UAH 2.5 million and valuable employee time via digitalization
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Contact us! Learn how to quickly implement e-document workflow in your company and reduce costs and team time for documents processing.