Our Clients' Experience
Over 900 thousand companies use Vchasno every day to work with documents in a convenient and easy way. Read the stories of our clients and find out how e-document workflow changed their business for the better.
The way VUSO Insurance Company saved UAH 2.5 million and valuable employee time via digitalization
Working with ODE — experiences from different departments of Philip Morris Ukraine
How to motivate partners to work in ODE. The case of the LLC Tvii Hazzbut
saving ~30%
of the time spent on working with documents
saving between UAH 56,000 and 80,000
per month
6 000 customers
we plan to connect
to ODE
How an agricultural holding company can start working without paper documents. The case of Agroprosperis
The wins of Nova Posta: the results of using e-document workflow for the year
saved 4,570
working hours
~ UAH 100,000
of expenses
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Contact us! Learn how to quickly implement e-document workflow in your company and reduce costs and team time for documents processing.