Our Clients' Experience
1 000 000 companies use Vchasno every day to work with documents in a convenient and easy way. Read the stories of our clients and find out how e-document workflow changed their business for the better.

How carriers can easily work with eTTN: Kuehne+Nagel’s experience

Working without an office and signing more than 3000 documents a year: Lyft Ukraine case study

How does digitalization facilitate care for children during the war? The case of the International charitable organization ‘Charitable Foundation ‘SOS Children’s Villages’ Ukraine

How to transfer 90%+ of documents into ODE in today’s tough conditions: Nokia’s case study in Ukraine

We reduced the time for signing documents from a month to a few seconds: digitalization at EPIROC UKRAINE
How does ODE help in raising millions for the Armed Forces of Ukraine? Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation’s case study
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