ODE implementation outcome

Digitization makes it possible to keep up with all the things
The ODE implementation project started at TAS AGRO in March 2023. We realized that we had to automate processes so that our employees could get rid of routine tasks and free up time for intellectual work. After all, digital services allow us to work with documents 24 hours a day and save a lot of money.
Agricultural business is not about sitting in an office. This includes active engagement of management on the production site and away in the field. And digitization makes it possible to keep up with everything — to close both “paper” and organizational issues. In addition, in the agricultural sector, technology makes it possible to analyze and control both production and operational processes.

Three months to integrate with the internal system
We sign more than 500 documents every month at Vchasno. These include contracts, additional agreements, specifications, protocols of disagreements, invoices, adjustment invoices, statements, bills, internal regulations and orders. Also, at TAS AGRO, we integrated Vchasno with our internal electronic document workflow system, and then with the accounting system.
Now this process is going on as follows:
1Incoming documentsall documents from our partners are automatically created in the electronic document workflow system (EDWS). Then they are subject to internal approval, and after that they are migrated to the Vchasno service for signature by an authorized person.
2Outgoing documentationdocuments are created and approved in the EDWS and after approval they are automatically migrated to Vchasno for signing and sending to our partner. The signed document is returned to our EDWS for storage.
The integration process lasted 3 months. Another six months were spent on implementing the module, writing new methods, and automating processes to minimize user involvement. Today we receive documents from the service in various formats. TAS Agro was one of the first (and sometimes even the first) company to test some of the methods offered by the Vchasno service.
However, we still keep our HR documents and some legal documents on paper. Our business has its own specifics: not all employees (for example, those engaged in general labor) have the technical ability to sign HR documents electronically. But we are planning to implement ODE in this area in the near future.
Within a year, 80% of TAS AGRO employees and more than 50% of contractors switched to ODE
There was some resistance at the beginning of the ODE implementation. People were not ready for the innovations. But when we realized all the advantages, we started to actively use them. Employees tested digital services step by step, gradually: such was the motto of our agricultural holding in this process. Today, more than 80% of our employees who sign documents use ODE. Moreover, employees are now themselves initiating the transition of partners to ODE, because it is much faster and easier.
In general, our partners reacted positively to the changes, as they are mostly quite large companies. They either already work in ODE or initiate this transition themselves. However, individual entrepreneurs in some regions were not as enthusiastic about the innovations, and it was a challenge to convince them to use digital services.
There were situations when accountants locally printed out documents that had already been signed in the ODE. When this was discovered and we asked them why they were doing this, the answer was: ”Because we need papers, how can we pass a tax audit without papers?” And then we shared the experience of other companies when they passed the tax audit by providing information on a flash drive. However, there are still certain stereotypes and lack of information that prevent us from using ODE to its full potential. But over the past year, more than half of our partners have fully switched to ODE.

Read also: How to pass a tax audit with e-documents?
Advantages of electronic document workflow
1SpeedODE saves more than 50% of the time for the sender as well as the recipient of documents due to a simplified approval process, electronic signatures, and our process automation.
2AccessibilityDigital services allow you to work with documents 24/7.
3Cost savingsWhen we calculated the direct and indirect costs, we found out that the company saved UAH 926,369 this year with the help of ODE.
4Ecological compatibilityTAS AGRO managed to save 2 trees and 700 liters of water used for paper production as a result of electronic document workflow.
The next steps of digitization in the company — helping grain grow faster and produce more crops
TAS Agro has global plans to digitize the company’s processes. In the field of ODE, we want to introduce internal regulations and HR records management. We will also launch e-TTN.
However, this is not the end of the story — we have already begun to introduce robotization and automation at all stages of production. We will outsource routine processes to robots, and engage our employees in more intellectual and creative work. In other words, it can be said that digitization helps grain grow faster and produce more crops.
ODE implementation outcome
Within a year of working with Vchasno, we have transferred 80% of our employees and 50% of our partners to electronic document workflow. TAS AGRO has saved about a million hryvnias and cut the time spent working with documents in half.
Digitization and automation in agribusiness reduces costs, increases labor productivity, and allows you to focus on production rather than operational activities. Also, with the help of ODE, the agricultural business becomes more competitive and attractive for investment.
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