Business profile:
Charity Foundation
Company position:
Company size:
11-50 employees

How electronic document workflow optimizes processes and facilitates reintegration of veterans: Veteran Hub case study

Veteran Hub is an organization that provides comprehensive support to female and male veterans upon their return to civilian life. Its services include assistance with legal, psychological and employment-related issues. The foundation has offline offices in several cities in Ukraine, including Kyiv, Vinnytsia, and Dnipro, and offers online services as well.

Inna Kholodylo, an accountant at Veteran Hub, shared with us how the company switched to a remote work format, optimized processes in the context of a full-scale invasion, and saved time and resources by implementing ODE.

Yulianna Chorna
Administrative Director

The results of EDO implementation

We began implementing ODE from the outset of the full-scale invasion
We have issued QESs to nearly all employees
We save several hours of employees’ working time each week
We have significantly streamlined the process of passing inspections and submitting reports

On the start of ODE implementation

Veteran Hub was founded in 2018, and initially, all HR documents in the company were kept exclusively in paper form.

Even a few years before the full-scale invasion, we had accumulated a lot of paper documents, some of which had a shelf life of 75 years.

From 24 February 2022, the need for an electronic document workflow became urgent as a result of the decision to work remotely from the Kyiv office.

It was at this time that we decided to switch fully to an electronic document workflow.
Going forward, our intention is to cease the use of paper and transfer all documents into electronic format.

What challenges were encountered when implementing ODE?

Overall, the implementation of electronic document workflow was relatively straightforward. However, any changes or innovations are met with some resistance and skepticism, with questions such as “How is it going to work?”.

To facilitate comprehension of the new document workflow process by our employees, we have developed comprehensive instructions and provided guidance on its utilization.

As a result, colleagues have quickly adapted to the new situation, and the ODE has proved to be a significant source of relief for everyone. It became possible to work remotely and in a more efficient manner. Our partners also use Vchasno, so there were no issues in that regard.

Almost all employees of the foundation have been issued qualified electronic signatures (QESs). Furthermore, donors have welcomed the introduction of electronic document workflow, which has greatly simplified the foundation’s reporting process. The transition from printed reports to electronic ones has resulted in significant time savings.

It is essential to focus on the values and benefits that will improve work processes when introducing any technological solution to the team in order to ensure positive acceptance.

What benefits did the foundation realize as a result of implementing an electronic document workflow?

Following the implementation of an electronic document workflow, the Veteran Hub has seen considerable benefits from the new system.

Faster assistance. The ODE allows you to sign all the necessary documents for processing donations without having to wait for paper versions to be printed and delivered.

Remote work. Documents can be exchanged and signed from any location worldwide at any time.

Simpler audits. It has become simpler and more efficient to submit all data for audits electronically.

Secure data storage. Despite the ongoing shelling, we are confident that all documents will remain secure.

Time savings. Our employees and partners save a considerable amount of work time as a result. Previously, the head of the organization spent several hours every week signing paper documents, but now this process can be completed in just a few clicks.

It is of the utmost importance for society to provide the necessary support to the military. In order to achieve this, it is essential to digitize this area and enhance the efficiency of the personnel involved.

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