Business profile:
Wholesale and distribution
Company position:
Head of Information Technology
Company size:
More than 1000 employees

How to automate and improve business efficiency with EDI technologies: Imperia Holding case study

Imperia Holding is a leading national distributor of FMCG products in the Ukrainian market.

Maksym Mandryk
Head of Information Technology at Imperia Holding

The results of EDI implementation

Up to 2 hours of employee time saved daily
Routine paperwork requires minimal effort
Hundreds of trees saved as a result of avoiding the use of paper documents
Almost all business processes in the company have been automated

On the launch of EDI implementation

Vchasno.EDI is not a new project for our company. Imperia Holding began the initial stages of implementing EDI over a decade ago. At that time, it was undoubtedly a technological novelty, and we lacked an understanding of its potential benefits. Nevertheless, we have always been open to new technologies and still endeavor to implement innovations on a regular basis.

We decided to test and evaluate potential improvements to our business processes. Indeed, the endeavor proved to be a successful one.

Have you experienced any difficulties during the implementation?

As is the case with most companies, one of the primary challenges was to persuade employees to incorporate a new process into their daily work routines. Something they had never done before.

It was crucial to alter not only their mindset but also their approach to working at Imperia Holding. And we were successful.

How did you overcome these difficulties?

Based on my own experience, I can tell you that simply discussing the issue is an ineffective approach. While employees may be receptive to the suggestions, they will likely continue to work in the same manner, printing paper documents, sending everything by email or mail.

Our company has adopted a practical approach, offering a convenient service with features designed to make their work easier and more efficient. This is why they utilise them on a daily basis.
The employees of Imperia Holding were able to observe the efficacy of Vchasno.EDI through their own experiences. This method has proven to be the most effective.

What is the company’s current experience with EDI?

A few years ago, the implementation and customization of Vchasno.EDI was a gradual and time-consuming process.

We have now reached a point where the entire process is automated and overseen by individuals whose role is to ensure the continued efficiency and quality of document processing.

Consequently, a minimum number of human resources are engaged in the document processing process.

What advantages did Imperia Holding derive from the implementation of EDI?

  • 1
    Ecological compatibility
    We have definitely saved several hundred, maybe even thousands of trees.
  • 2
    Savings in employee time
    Our analysis also revealed that following the automation of business processes, each employee involved can save up to two hours of working time daily.
  • 3
    Automatic processes
    There is no longer any need for printing, checking, or redoing. Everything is available in the system and happens automatically. I believe it is an excellent solution.

How did you encourage your partners to use digital technologies?

It is challenging to identify an effective approach for each client. One possible approach is to demonstrate, based on your own experience and that of your company, how effectively these technologies work.
This is likely the most effective explanation and justification for the necessity of digital technologies, including Vchasno.EDI.

What advice can you provide to businesses that are still hesitant to implement EDI?

Short answer: you should implement it, because it’s a necessity! Implement and automate processes, because in the future it will be impossible to scale or develop your business without it.
Read also: EDI — what it is and how it works in business?

Why is digitalization not only a driver for business growth, but also a prerequisite for scaling a business?

EDI has enabled us to automate the vast majority of processes at Imperia Holding. This allows scaling up to be achieved with minimal effort.

Once all the necessary processes are automated in the business, regardless of the volume of orders, whether 100 or 10,000, the system will operate with only a minimal input of human resources. This is the most reliable indicator of scalability.

Learn more about Vchasno.EDI

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