Business profile:
Production and wholesale trade
Company position:
Financial Analyst
Company size:
101-500 employees

How to transfer 90%+ of documents into ODE in today’s tough conditions: Nokia’s case study in Ukraine

Raben Ukraine has been working with e-document workflow since 2018. Since then, it has managed to cut the time required for paperwork by half. Q: How did the company implement Vchasno digital services in logistics?

Kostiantyn Sirin
Financial Control Specialist

Outcomes of ODE implementation

100% of the document workflow with contractors is in electronic form
>90% of external and internal documents are signed electronically
In August 2023 we distributed Vchasno.KEP cloud keys to all employees

A kick up the backside from quarantine for the transition to ODE

The history of ODE implementation at Nokia began in the fall of 2019. We were already aware of the experience of electronic document workflow in other companies, but internal approvals were delayed due to a lack of experience in this area.

The company was given a huge kick up the backside by the quarantine in early 2020. It became clear that remote work would be essential for continued operations, so the processes of approving and implementing electronic document workflow became a priority.

Read also: How does ODE help in raising millions for the Armed Forces of Ukraine? Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation’s case study

A quick start: following a comprehensive briefing, we started working online

The process of implementing ODE at Nokia had to be fast. We had to transfer the document workflow into electronic form as quickly as possible to keep the business processes that had been established over the years going.

Consequently, there was no internal resistance to the changes. In fact, there was a request for a speedy resolution of technical and organizational issues. As a result, in the first few months of full quarantine, we managed to convert 100% of the document workflow with contractors into electronic form. Next in line were other suppliers of goods and services: if you want to receive revenue from us, work through ODE.

Another challenge was that different partners used different ODE platforms.

While we could advise suppliers and contractors on which electronic document workflow service to use, the situation with customers was more complicated, as they dictated the choice of an ODE platform. As a result, we had to use four electronic document workflow platforms simultaneously during the year of operation and are now trying to gradually reduce their number.

All the features of Vchasno service

At the time of the full-scale invasion, more than 90% of Nokia Ukraine’s external and internal documents were signed electronically. Consequently, the processes did not cease even when the majority of our employees and contractors were evacuated.

With everyone working remotely, we’ve had to really use the full potential of the Vchasno service, not just for external documents.

The following features of the Vchasno platform have proven to be highly beneficial for us:

  • 1
    Internal Documents
    This is where management orders, powers of attorney, accounting certifications, and official notices are signed. We also create an archive of signed paper documents so that anyone can access them remotely, not just those who have them on their desk.
  • 2
    since different employees work with different counterparties, automated workflows make it easy to send documents directly to the right person.
  • 3
    these allow you to structure both the documents themselves and access to them.
  • 4
    Internal Approval
    the document is sent to the executives for signature, with a visible mark of approval by the responsible person.
  • 5
    Additional Features and Comments
    This functionality is an invaluable tool for communicating with counterparties and accountants regarding the document. It allows users to provide additional explanations, comments, and other information.
  • 6
    Vchasno.KEP for all
    In August 2023, we distributed Vchasno.KEP cloud keys to all Nokia Ukraine employees.

We also wanted to implement electronic vacation leave applications, but this had a synergistic effect on a number of other processes:

  • it has become possible to make a full inventory of fixed assets in Vchasno (previously, inventory lists were only approved by employees);
  • logbooks on occupational health and safety briefings can now be signed electronically in Vchasno;
  • a number of other internal processes are next in line to be converted to electronic form, thanks to the employee’s electronic signature issued by the company.

The advantages and outcomes of Nokia’s digitalisation

Resilience and stability

In times of war, ODE enhances the resilience of business processes, along with that of the country’s postal and banking systems. Electronic document workflow platforms have ensured the resilience of businesses in the country during emergency events that have been ongoing for years.

The ODE has become a crucial factor in the economy’s continued growth and stability. It is essential to recognize the significant impact it has had and will continue to have on the economy. No one was lost or stopped. Everyone is aware that it is possible to sign documents remotely using a mobile device, while continuing to work.

Caring for the environment and saving resources

ODE also has a significant environmental aspect. We have seen a shift in the way our contractors and employees interact with us. They no longer need to come to our offices, and they can now sign documents remotely.

As a result, ODE reliefs Kyiv streets of unnecessary traffic, saving material and human resources that were previously spent on physical transportation and signing of papers:

  • 😊 the reduction in fuel consumption results in cleaner air quality;
  • 😊 with fewer cars on the streets and more people using the subway, we can expect less traffic jams and more free time;
  • 😊 by using less paper, we can save trees and reduce waste.

In fact, digitalization and ODE are no longer a future possibility; they are a real factor and marker of business quality and transparency.

Today, ODE is not just a cost-saving factor for us; it is the engine of our business processes.

Get more information about Vchasno

Contact us! Learn how to quickly implement e-document workflow in your company and reduce costs and team time for documents processing.

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